The Advanced Microblading Fusion® Technique is my own special technique of combining the natural effects of Microblading together with Advanced Shading techniques with Micropigmentation Device.
This techniques is important because not every client is a candidate for Microblading alone, though the still want the natural look of Microblading. This treatment is perfect for clients:
- Have very little eyebrow hair
- Have thick eyebrow hair, but a lot of bare skin to cover
- Want a bolder look that seamlessly integrates with their natural eyebrow hairs
- Clients with pigment retention problems
- Clients with thick skin
- Clients with oily skin
To book this treatment, kindly book online or call (212) 518-3754
For Training, kindly check out my Schedule or call (212) 518-3754
In 2017 I presented this technique at the International level at the Worldwide Eyebrow Festival in Rotterdam